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If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proven by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now:




Enjoy the power and
beauty of your youth

Your body and mind are resilient, but they need care. Stretch beyond your comfort zones, physically and metaphorically. Growth comes from challenging your boundaries and maintaining flexibility in your body and your thinking.



Worrying about the future robs today of its richness. Most of what we fear never comes to pass, and when it does, it’s rarely as overwhelming as imagined. Live fully in each moment, and let worry be a distant echo, not a constant companion.



Not all who wander are lost, and sometimes the best way to find yourself is to lose your sense of direction. Straying from the beaten path can reveal truths you never knew existed. Embrace the unknown—it’s often where the best discoveries lie.


be kind

Kindness is more than just a virtue; it is an action that changes the world. Small gestures can echo far beyond your vision. When you choose kindness, you contribute to a ripple of good that touches lives you may never know.



We are often our own harshest critics, burdened by the weight of our past mistakes. Forgiveness is a gift you owe to yourself. Let go of what you cannot change, and trust that every error is a stepping stone to deeper wisdom.


Take risks

To live fully, you must sometimes venture beyond safety. The fear of failure keeps you stagnant, but growth comes from stepping into uncertainty. Risks offer rewards, even if it’s simply the lesson learned when things don’t go as planned.


Be curious

Curiosity fuels understanding. It’s the fire that keeps learning alive long after formal education ends. Approach life with open eyes, and never lose your desire to ask questions. It’s in exploration that wisdom is truly found.


Cherish your friends. Friendships are rare gems, cultivated through shared experiences and mutual care. Hold your friends close, for they are the ones who remind you of who you are in your darkest moments. Life is richer when it is shared with others.




Change is inevitable, yet we often resist it, clinging to what’s familiar. Accepting change is a form of wisdom. When you flow with life’s current, rather than fight it, you discover new opportunities for growth and renewal.


Be humble: Arrogance narrows your perspective, but humility opens you to learning from others. Realize that no one has all the answers, including you. Stay grounded, knowing that the world is vast, and your understanding is only a part of the whole.


Practice patience

Patience is not about waiting—it’s about trusting the process. Life unfolds in its own time, and rushing only brings frustration. Cultivate the ability to wait with grace, and you’ll find peace even in uncertainty.


Always wear sunscreen

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